Who's Hot

Vinny Severino
5 for 9 .556 4 runs 3 RBI
Dave Fowler
3 for 6 .500 2 runs 0 RBI

Who's Not

Tommy Hoesly
2 for 9 .222 0 runs 0 RBI
Nicholas Guglielmo
2 for 8 .250 2 runs 0 RBI
* Stats are based on the last 4 games played

Most Recent Stats

Marlon Russo 5243100010080010005
Vinny Severino 534400030008008004
Nick Severino 4432100310075010004
Dave Fowler 322200002006676672
Kyle Beauduy 74411028000571157111
Mick Beauduy 532200000004004002
Mike Smith 522200020014004002
Thomas Onions 512200000004004002
Lee Daniels 612200000003333332
Art Guglielmo 602200010003333332
Matt Guglielmo 712200010002862862
Tommy Hoesly 50000000001000
Nicholas Guglielmo 31000000200000
* Most Recent Stats are based on the last 2 games played.

Current Stats

Marlon Russo5243100010080010005
Vinny Severino945500030005565565
Dave Fowler623300003015005003
Mike Bickerton201100000005005001
Nick Severino864220033005007506
Lee Daniels1115500020004554555
Thomas Onions924400000004444444
Kyle Beauduy13452102900038592312
Mick Beauduy943300000013333333
Mike Smith933300020013333333
Matt Guglielmo1334400010003083084
Art Guglielmo1103300030002732733
Nicholas Guglielmo822200002002502502
Tommy Hoesly902200000012222222
Cory Fowler511100000002002001